Who is Eunice Namatende, NRM's New Tiger-Clawed Recruit From FDC?


After nearly two decades in the trenches with change-seeking forces in the opposition, one would understand easily why the five-time Parliamentary hopeful has come to be christened " the woman with tiger crows" by those who have seen her pouncing at the government since she was only 20 years.

Luba Bumali, a founding FDC leader in Bugiri described Namatende as a strong leader whose defection will certainly not leave the party the same.

" I for one don't underrate her strength and if there is any person on this earth who knows the political path of Eunice then it is me. We started together way back in 2005 though I was a bit ahead of her politically. Watch the space but FDC in Bugiri has lost a leader but the support base is still intact, " are the words of seasoned Forum for Democratic Change( FDC) in reaction to the tiger-clawed iron lady, Eunice Namatende's sudden announcement that she had swapped her FDC allegiances in favour of the party in Power- National Resistance Movement( NRM)

By suggesting that no one else understands Namatende's political journey like himself, anyone who has watched the ruling party's new big recruit can't fail to understand Luba's assertion.

The two have been in the trenches together since 2005 when the Iron Lady first attempted to dispossess NRM of its enviable grip on Bugiri, going head-on with former NRM Secretary General, Justin Kasule Lumumba.

The elections that followed in 2006 witnessed, perhaps the youngest contender for a Member of Parliament in the area, and perhaps the whole region.

Arguably inspired by his daddy, a very loyal member of FDC, Mr Christopher Bameka, the young Namatende, only 20 years old dressed herself for the mucky political waters in the district where seeking such an important office on the opposition side was a near abomination.

As it's already known, Lumumba ran away with the crown, having gathered a whooping 80,290 votes ahead of Namatende's 35,621 in second place and 3,050 for Racheal Kagoya, another contender. 

Even though Namatende didn't win that time, a spirited fight she put up set the pace for the very tense political atmosphere punctuated by her name that continues to define the district nearly two decades later.

Known for being consistently consistent, Namatende would return in 2011 in a hotel contested affair between herself, Mrs Bateganya Ancillia Mukuve and holder, Justine Kasule Lumumba. This time round,  she came a distant third in a two-man race between the other two contenders. Lumumba came on top with 34,544 votes against the closest challenger, Bateganya's 28,782 with Namatende garnering 17,072.

Unfazed by her political misfortunes, Namatende, who at the time served as the district's FDC General Secretary returned in 2016, this time facing off with Agness Wejuli Taaka of NRM after Lumumba had given way following her NRM SG appointment. This time again, she lost the first place to Taaka but this time with the narrowest margin of 40,817  to 42231 in a contest that was marred with allegations of vote rigging that it took the intervention of the police to quell a two-day protest by her supporters.

Namatende would try again two years later, in 2018, this time for the newly created Bugiri Municipality constituency. She set a mouth-watering contest with Justice Forum President, Asuman Basalirwa for which she is arguably best known beyond the frontiers of Busoga. She lost again, trying her luck again in 2021 for the usual Woman MP slot with a similar outcome.

As 2026 draws closer, rumours have been making rounds that the battle-hardened politician will try again for a record sixth consecutive time, this time on the ruling party's side.

The Bukooli Central Solomon Silwany who delivered Namatende to Eastern NRM Vice Chair, Capt Mike Mukula has recently fallen out with Woman MP Agness Taaka whose political godmother- Kasule Lumumba is allegedly plotting to contest in the same constituency( Bukooli Central).

Who is Eunice Namatende?

Namatende was born on 22, August 1985 to Mr Bameka Christopher and Sarah Naigaga in Nankoma, Bukooli Central, Bugiri district. She went to Backlays Girls High School for her primary education before joining Iganga Girls Secondary School where she sat her Ordinary level examinations. She joined Budini SS for her Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education ( UACE) to earn herself a CV of having attended some of the most posh schools in Busoga.

Namatende joined Ndeje University and passed with an honours degree in Education before rejoining to attain a postgraduate diploma in public policy and administration.

In 2005, she joined active politics aged only 20 years in the opposition FDC whose father actively supported her at the time. She challenged for the District Woman MP seat for the first time in 2006, and on another four occasions including once in Bugiri Municipality in 2021.

In the FDC Delegates Conference of October, 6, she was elected Deputy Secretary for Organisation and Mobilisation under the Najjanankumbi faction led by Party President, Patrick Oboi Amriat and Nathan Nandala Mafaabi.

She is married to Pastor David Mukwaaya of Seeta Miracle Center Church with whom she has four children.

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