NRM Deputy SG Visits Museveni’s former Bush war Guide

The NRM deputy Secretary-General, Rt.Hon.Rose Namayanja Nsereko on Sunday the home of the former bush war Guide to Yoweri Museveni, Mzee Patrick Senkaali in Kikandwa village Nakaseke district.

Mrs, Namayanja commended Mzee Senkaali  for his role in the five-year liberation struggle. “The sacrifice and determination you made to bring peace in the country is not in vain,” Hon.Namayanja said during her interaction with Mzee Senkaali and his family members.

This was after addressing Christians of Kikandwa Church of Uganda in Bukatira parish in Semuto Sub County, Nakaseke district.

During her address, Namayanja Nsereko rallied farmers to plant their crop seedlings during the current rainy season, saying this will promote food security within families and generate incomes from the surplus.

“The rains are here with us. Please go out to your gardens and plant.  This will help you to secure enough food in the near future,” Namayanja said.

She also encouraged believers to intensively engage in coffee farming, noting that “coffee in the entire world commands relatively high and stable prices which can boost individual and country’s incomes after export.”

Namayanja had been invited at the church for a fundraising function aimed at building the Church house for the priest. She promised support in form of iron sheets.

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