UPDF is not going to fight M23 in DRC- President Museveni


The Commander Land Force Lieutenant General Kayanja Muhanga on Wednesday  flagged-off of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Contingent to serve under the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF) in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.


Speaking on behalf of the Chief of Defence Forces, General Wilson Mbasu Mbadi, the Commander Land Force Lt Gen Kayanja Muhanga said that today marks another chapter in the many peacekeeping operations that UPDF has been involved in. “Having pacified the country, UPDF now exports peace in other countries. We were in Liberia at one time, we are in Somalia, been to South Sudan, Central African Republic. We are also in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo fighting the Allied Democratic Forces terrorists which we are doing very well and fulfilling our objectives,” said Lt Gen Muhanga.

Lt Gen Muhanga emphasized that there East African Community Regional Force is on a peacekeeping mission and is there to witness the process of achieving peace in the Eastern DRC. “The EACRF is not going attack the belligerents there but it is going to witness and ensure the implementations of the decisions that were taken between the Heads of States meetings,” the CLF added.

However  some media houses reported that Uganda has sent troops in DRC to fight M23 which is not correct according to a statement issued by President Museveni.

According to the statement, The President indicates  that UPDF is not in DRC to fight with M23 but to occupy positions that were handed over to East African Community Forces by M23 as peace talks go on.

Below is a full statement

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