Analysts poke holes in NUP’s move to introduce two-term limit in the party constitution


A section of political analysts has warned that the recent amendment of the National Unity Platform (NUP) party constitution to introduce a two- term limit could force some members out of the party.

Last Saturday, during the NUP delegates’ conference at the party’s new premises in Makerere, Kavule, members imposed a two-term limit on all party leaders, as well as all leaders elected on the party flag.
This means that a person cannot be a party president, chairperson or secretary general for more than two terms.
Likewise, a person cannot be a Member of Parliament or councillor under the NUP flag for more than two terms.
The new amendment was adopted over the weekend during an extraordinary meeting to analyse proposals by its constitutional review committee.

Makerere University history Don, Mwabustya Ndebesa says the new amendment is too extreme and defective since the mother law has since scrapped the same clause.

He however says the decision should only affect top leaders of the party.

“It comes from the challenge of leaders who do not want to leave power in Africa. That is what is motivating them to put such a radical move. Whether it is visible or not, that is a different matter because I think ordinarily term limits are normally imposed on the main leaders like; the president of the party and the chairman because they are very influential,” Ndebesa 

Mr Henry Kasacca, a governance and democracy consultant, yesterday said having a political party with term limits when the Constitution of the country does not have is not practical.
“The term limits were removed from the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Therefore, having a political party like NUP amending their constitution to two terms is going to hit a dead end. It’s actually a great dream that has no place in Uganda,” he said.
Mr Kasacca further warned that those who have gained power cannot be subjected to term limits since they will need more power to control their resources and this will in the end force many NUP members to desert the party.

“If you analyse from the whole world, you will see that even in China, Xi Jinping has been pushing for more terms. If you go to North Korea, you will find that Kim Jong Un has no term at all. 
“In the United States, they have their terms but Trump was almost refusing to hand over. Therefore, I don’t see NUP realising the dream that they are attempting to pursue,” he added. Mr Kasacca also mentioned that NUP lacks a clear ideology. 
“That’s why NUP doesn’t not have structures. Most of the NUP members there came from other political parties. By putting term limits, those leaders will go away to other parties where they can contest fully and freely because the constitution of Uganda doesn’t reorganise term limits,” he said.


  The NRM director of communication, Mr Emanuel Dombo, wondered how many times NUP will amend their constitution when this is taking place less than three years when their party is in place.
“They still feel selfish, they will want this current term not to be considered among the changes that they have made. So, let us wait and see how there constitution works then we shall be able to comment on their sincerity, or to appreciate how best there constitution is,” he said.

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