EAC Force acknowledges partial withdraw of M23 in eastern DRC


The M23 rebels have partially vacated Bunagana and Chengerero areas in eastern DR Congo in the latest verification of the ongoing withdrawal in Rutshuru Territory, the East African Community regional force (EACRF) announced on Friday, April 14.

This comes a day after, a joint bureau comprising the Ad Hoc verification mechanism, EACRF, the Expanded Joint Verification Mechanism and the EAC monitoring and verification mechanism, on April 13, verified the withdrawal of M23 rebels and the deployment of Kenya and South Sudan Contingents in Tongo within Rutshuru territory.

In June 2022, the M23 overran Bunagana, a strategic town near the Ugandan border.

The South Sudan People's Defence Forces (SSPDF) on April 3, sent more troops to eastern DR Congo to reinforce the East African Community regional force, as part of the EAC’s unrelenting search for a sustainable solution to the decades-long problem of insecurity in eastern DR Congo.

The deployment of SSPDF marked the final phase of deployment of regional troops into eastern DR Congo as directed by EAC Heads of State during their extra-ordinary Summit held in Bujumbura on February 4.

The regional force, which initially comprised Kenyan troops, was first deployed to eastern DR Congo in November 2022. The regional force now has troops from Uganda, Kenya and Burundi and South Sudan, which have taken control of most areas vacated by M23 rebels.

The regional force, on April 12, repulsed an attack within its area of operation by a group of armed men suspected to be members of a local armed group.

The armed men whose intent was likely to commit atrocities within Kibumba, in Nyiragongo territory, fired several rounds in the area prompting a quick reaction force to respond, successfully repulsing them and containing the situation, the regional force said in a statement.

“The troops have since enhanced patrols within the areas to deter any further threats, especially to the local population who have since been sensitized to continue with their normal activities,” the EACRF said.

Earlier, on April 11, the Kenyan and South Sudan contingent troops under EACRF deployed in Tongo, Rutshuru territory.

As noted, the deployment follows a successful reconnaissance, or scouting, a day earlier, led by the Kenyan contingent commander Col Rotich who assured locals that the troops will work with the population to enhance security in the area.

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