Horror: 21 bodies exhumed at Pastor's home, believers were starved to death


Fourteen more bodies were on Friday  retrieved from the graves of people believed to have died as a result of fasting due to cult-like teachings of Malindi controversial pastor Paul Mackenzie in Shakahola Magarini, Kenya.

This brings to 21 the number of bodies that have been retrieved by the homicide unit, DCI detectives and other security personnel.

It is alleged that, the controversial pastor has been making his followers to fast to death promising them that they will meet and talk with Jesus Chris.

Five bodies, believed to be belonging to one family were found in one grave.  In another grave, three bodies were found on top of each other.

"We found, a man, woman and three children in one grave," a detective said

In the bodies exhumed, children were more as compared to adults. By Friday 58 graves had been identified.

A team of about 100 officers led by the Homicide unit Director together with a pathologist, officers from the DCI, the forensic Department, and regular police are leading the operation.

The public was not allowed at the crime scene and journalists were also given instructions on how to conduct themselves at the scene.

After about two hours of digging, there were indications that there were bodies and carefully one body of a grown-up was found followed by two bodies that had been buried in one grave.

That site was identified on Thursday. Human rights activists from Haki Africa and Malindi Social Justice Center also witnessed the exhuming process.

Mathias Shipeta of Haki Africa said they are happy with the progress made so far by the security agencies.

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