EAC Technical Evaluation Team Visits UPDF Contingent In DRC



The East African Community (TVEAC) Technical Evaluation Team (TET), led by the Burundi National Defence Forces (BNDF) Deputy Commander Land Force Maj Gen Ignace Sibomana has today visited the UPDF Contingent Force operating in DRC.


This force picks its mandate from the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF) to serve as a Peace Keeping Mission in North Kivu, DRC.


Maj Gen was accompanied by a team of Seven Military Senior Officers from the EAC Headquarters. He was welcomed by Col Michael Walaka Hyeroba, the UPDF Contingent Commander.


The evaluation exercise is a directive from the East African Community Heads of State (EAC HOS) held during the 21st Extra–Ordinary Summit of the East African Community Heads of State on 31st May 2023 sitting in Bujumbura, capital of the Republic of Burundi.


The Summit directed the East African Community Secretariat (EACS) to constitute a Technical Evaluation Team (TET) to conduct assessments and evaluate the implementation of the mandate of the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF).


Team members were drawn from the seven EAC member states and will conduct assessments and evaluation exercises for all the Troop Contributing Forces performing EACRF operations in DRC

Maj Gen Sibomana said that the assessment will help find challenges and forward a report to the EAC Secretariat for further management.


He added that it will base on the terms of references as stipulated and guided by the 21st   Extra Ordinary Heads of State Summit of 31st May 2023.


The terms and references will basically look at the mission mandate, general politics, security, peace and stability, Status of Force Deployment, humanitarian aid, and achievements; so far attained by EACRF.


The exercise was concluded by conducting a physical assessment of UPDF combat readiness in one of Uganda’s Contingent Combat Unit teams, commanded by Maj Douglas K Assimwe and other Staff Officers.

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