Uganda's Sebeyi and Kenya's Pokot hold peace meeting

The Sebeyi community from Uganda and the Pokot community from Kenya have held a peace meeting at Kanyerus so as to foster peace between the two communities.

In the past ten years cattle rustling and banditry attacks were the order of the day between the two communities which led to loss of lives and displacement of people along the Kenya and Uganda border.

However, the two communities buried the hatchet and decided to live together after being reconciled by leaders from both countries.

The peace meeting which was organized by West Pokot County Senator Julius Murgor was held at Kanyerus bringing together the two communities as they celebrated the fruits of peace, they have enjoyed in the last ten years.

Speaking during the security meeting Murgor said he decided to bring the two communities together so that they can foster peace and shun cattle rustling

He said due to insecurity the two communities migrated but they have started coming back and engaging in meaningful activities.

He said the two communities have intermarried and their children are learning together in the same school.

“We need development in this area so that the two communities cannot go back to cattle rustling, as leaders will continue preaching peace and advocate for education to eradicate poverty,” he said.

He added that both communities have bandits but it’s not advisable to brand all community as bandits or cattle rustlers they should identify a few criminals who are still practising the outdated cultural practice.

He said the peace committees in place have played a big role in the peace initiative and they have been able to follow the stolen animals until they are recovered before urging the two communities to intermarry to help reduce animosity.

Soi MP from Uganda Chemaswet Kisos affirmed that the Ugandan government is committed to peace and stability in the area as both communities are now sharing resources and crossing over the border to buy commodities.

“I am happy we have converged together to celebrate peace; we have searched for peaceful co-exists for so many years but finally we can seat together and celebrate the milestone we have made as Kenya and Uganda,” he said.

Endebess MP Robert Pukose said the two communities should reduce dowry prices to make intermarriage successful.

“The elders are demanding so many cows hindering men from marrying because of the high dowry prices. Elders should reduce the number of cows to five.”

He added that the national government will start projects like schools, hospitals, roads and electricity to help improve the area.

“There are only a few areas that are bringing insecurity, we can settle that as leaders, the security team should also beef up security to enable development and peace stability,” he said.

Kacheliba Sub County Commissioner Benjamin Kiprop alluded that there has been a 100 per cent recovery of stolen animals in the area as he urged the two communities to fish out bandits who are wreaking havoc and destabilizing the peace milestone made in the area for the past ten years.

The meeting which was held at Kanyerus Primary School was well attended by both communities and leaders from Uganda and Kenya.

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