Police hunt for woman accused of defiling an 11-year old boy in Luweero

Police in Luweero District are hunting for a woman accused of defiling an 11-year-old boy.

Mr Twineamazima said the incident occurred on November 4 in Namaliga East Zone, Bombo Town Council.

The victim, according to the police, was intercepted by the woman, who is known to him, as he went to catch grasshoppers in the night.

“The suspect allegedly told the victim to go to her home where she was supposed to hand him unidentified items,” Mr Twineamazima said on November 5.

“When they got to the house, she closed the door, undressed the boy and reportedly had sex with him after threatening to kill him in case he disclosed it to anybody,” he added.

When the victim went home crying and told his parents about the incident, he was taken to a nearby facility before the case was reported to police.

The case is among the rarely reported incidents in the area, but a police officer conversant with investigations said most of them are resolved at community level.

He said the victims are at times compromised not to report the cases. According to the recently released Annual Police Crime Report for 2022, Luweero Police Station registered the highest number of crimes countrywide at 1,261, followed by Old Kampala Police Division at 1,201 cases.

According to the crime report, Luweero District ranks second with the most reported crimes involving domestic violence at 501, while Kiryandongo District leads with 520 cases.

Likewise, Luweero topped the list of districts with high child crime in the country.

Luweero Resident District Commissioner Richard Bwabye said most of the children that found themselves on the wrong side of the law failed to go back to school after the two-year Covid-19 induced lockdown.

While releasing the 2022 annual crime report on February 22, the Inspector General of Police, Mr Martins Okoth-Ochola, blamed the rise in the number of cases to the re-opening of the economy following the lockdown that was instituted to curb the spread of the Covid-19 disease.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous November 8, 2023 at 1:20 AM

    Let that Horgan woman be detained please

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