Security rushes to Kamwenge after suspected ADF rebels killing 7 People

Uganda security forces are currently hunting down Suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) militants who have killed at least 7 people in Kamwenge district, western Uganda.

The attack occurred in the wee hours of Tuesday in Kyabandara township.

“The raids started at 1:00am as people were sleeping,” said Moses Tukundane, an area resident.

“We heard people screaming and calling for help.”

One of the victims of the attack has been identified as Beatrice, the Councillor of Kyabandara township.

“She was killed by the attackers and we have seen the body,” said an eyewitness who preferred anonymity to speak freely.

Local leaders say UPDF have rushed to deploy forces in the area to hunt down the killers and reassure the public of security.

President Museveni recently said UPDF were hunting for a group of ADF fighters which has been carrying out sporadic raids on villages and townships, killing innocent people.

He said the ADF elements were fleeing from UPDF’s aerial attacks in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

“In desperation, they have been sending small groups of infiltrators like the group of Njovu that killed the tourists. Njovu was injured and arrested and three of his group were killed. About 7 of his group escaped and the security forces are hunting them in the Kibaale National Park area,” said Museveni on December 3, 2023.

“That group is led by Kamusu, a Congolese. Their other leader in Congo is Abu Waqas, an Arab from Tanzania. His camp is one of those that were attacked by our forces.”

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous December 19, 2023 at 1:57 PM

    Bambi May the God Lord protect the world 🌎

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous December 19, 2023 at 3:26 PM

    Bad news

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous December 20, 2023 at 9:29 PM


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