UPDF announces recruitment dates for LDPs

Following attacks by ADF in the Rwenzori region, UPDF has announced recruitment of Local Defence Personnel who will be guarding high risk areas.

Below is a full statement by UPDF

Following attacks in the Rwenzori Sub-region by the Allied Democratic Forces terrorists, His Excellency, the President and Commander-in-Chief has directed for the reactivation of Local Defence Structures in the areas surrounding Kibale National Park and Greater Rwenzori Sub-region, to protect communities against attacks by the ADF.


The UPDF, therefore hereby announces the mobilisation and recruitment of Local Defence Personnel (LDPs) in the districts of Kamwenge, Kitagwenda, Bunyangabo, Kyenjojo and Kasese.


The recruitment will be conducted in two phases. Phase 1 will run from 27tDecember 2023 to 10th January 2024. This will cover the districts of Kamwenge, Kitagwenda and Bunyangabo.


Phase 2 will cover the districts of Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa and Kasese. Phase 2 will begin immediately after Phase 1 and will be conducted as in Phase 1.


The mobilisation and recruitment will be conducted in sixty (60) Parishes/Wards according to the Quota system.


Each Parish/Ward shall contribute 12 recruits, making a total of 720 personnel in phase 1.


The Criteria for recruitment shall be as follows:

  1.  Citizens of Uganda
  2.  Ready to Volunteer Service
  3.  Physically and medically fit
  4. Adults aged 18-45yrs
  5. Minimum education of Primary Seven (P.7).
  6. Duly signed letters of recommendation from the LC1Chairperson, Defence Secretary and DISO/GISO.
  7. Residents of the area.
  8. No criminal record
  9. Disciplined
  10. No other employment/Engagement.

The mobilisation will be conducted by the Resident District Commissioner, Deputy Resident District Commissioners, Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces, Uganda Police Force, Internal Security Organisation, LC1 Chairpersons and Secretaries for Defence.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous December 27, 2023 at 1:38 AM

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    • Anonymous
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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous December 27, 2023 at 5:03 PM


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous December 27, 2023 at 5:06 PM

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