Interim Mufti hails Museveni for saving Muslim properties

Deputy Mufti of Uganda Sheikh Abdallah Ssemambo, who doubles as the interim Mufti, has hailed President Yoweri Museveni for using his prerogative powers and advising the Chief Justice on the sale of Muslim property.

“I thank the President for using his powers and advising Chief Justice Alphonse Owiny-Dollo to review a decision of the Court of Appeal allowing the sale of properties belonging to the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council. His Excellency’s letter was clear. It said that if there is no law protecting the mosque, let there be a review to restore sanity,” he said.

Sheikh Ssemambo, who was on Friday accompanied by Hajji Abdu Kiyimba, Hajji Mirembe Hamza, and the new leaders from the commission of inquiry against mismanagement of Muslim properties was visiting fellow Muslims in the western region and held Juma prayers at Abubakar Jamia Masjid Kakoba in Mbarara city amid tight security.

Ssemambo said he expects the members of the commission of inquiry against the mismanagement of Muslim properties by Mufti Sheikh Shaban Mubajje, to do a good job and hand over their report findings within six months.  

President Museveni's letter to the chief justice dated December 7, 2023, says he was surprised by the decision of the court to allow the auctioning of Muslim property due to a mistake committed by an individual and asked for the review in the court’s ruling.

Sheikh Adam Abas, who led Juma prayers, asked fellow Muslims to look at the state of Islam, avoid blame games and not rush to judge someone.

“We need to look at the state of Islam, preach unity and add a brick to promote Islam instead of factions and fighting each other. When you have a thorn in the foot, you don’t cut the foot but instead get a safety pin and remove it,” he said.

Sheikh Ssemambo also pledged to reconcile Muslims to achieve their goal of promoting unity, development and social transformation among them as well as fight the bad element of terrorism that is tarnishing the name of the Islamic faith.

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