Opinion: We Should All Shout Against The Besigye- Bobi Wine Engineered Catastrophe Before It’s Late




This week could be the time history will be written as the advent of the country's darkest moment following the conclusion of a devilish deal between two former Presidential failures- Rtd Col Kizza Besigye Kifefe and Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, alias Bobi Wine to send the country and all its inhabitants back into the dark days where President Museveni redeemed it from.

The purported United (Evil) forces For Change has this time come completely undressed that any sane person can foresee the evil its destined to impose on our beautiful, peaceful country. Not only that, two of the country's most notorious troublemakers masquerading as leaders have come together to unite their evil intentioned deputies in vying for the blood of innocent Ugandans. What's even more regrettable is that the two leaders unveiled their insatiable blood thirst in an announcement of planned demonstrations at a time when Uganda is jubilating over the successful ongoing Non Alignment Movement ( NAM) which translates into good publicity for the country, its economy and it's people.

2011 might be over a decade behind us but the deadly ditch into which Dr Besigye, fresh from losing an election to President Museveni, attempted to plunge this country into with his infamous walk to work gospel. Had it not been the ever ready, effective security under the tutelage of General Museveni, another Libya or Iraq or Sudan would have been the case here.

These factors in our contemporary past verily explains why Ugandans have always opted against regime change in massive numbers at every election. Whoever listens and follows the gospel of the war mongers advocating for regime change through demonstrations and uprisings have perhaps not witnessed or followed the ugly past this country has been into. The precious blood our ancestors shed in the process of building this nation should just be enough for us to zealously safeguard whatever gains we have attained on the front of national security. 

As we labor to inquest into the widely used narrative that regime change through elections is out of the possibilities for those seeking to oust Museveni, we also need to critically examine why this narrative,  of all people,  is spearheaded by men who have either challenged in an election for multiple times, or those seeking the same in future.

Without necessarily being a prophet of doom, I want to categorically let us all know that our fellow countrymen have been busy cooking disaster at both Katonga Road and Kavule- Makerere which they have already announced are ready to serve in form of their planned demonstrations. Similar machinations in the past have washed nations off the world map or set them on course for their unforgettable catastrophes. In Rwanda, the 1990s is too recent for us to forget what happened in the infamous Hutu- Tutsi clashes. The same can be said of the 2nd World War which claimed people in tens of millions. Other global wars, both ongoing and past, have been caused by leaders who will stop at nothing in their quest for power, and the inability of the masses to stop them. Should we look on and pretend that we have not been alerted in time, when this eminent disaster strikes, we shall all have no one but ourselves to blame.

We are at a time when we desperately need the participation of every national in our concerted push for an advanced country. Whoever, thus, tries to draw a wedge among us is an enemy of this country who deserves to be treated as such. These are actually worse off than the Allied Democratic Forces because unlike the latter, they come with their sinister agendas hidden in the veil of fighting for democracy. Deep in their hearts, though, they know that their goal is to throw the lives of whatever number of people on the line as a price for them to take power. As they try to convince some gullible followers of theirs that they intend to demonstrate against bad roads, they won't explain the government's enviable strides in infrastructural development in the country in comparison to other countries in the same economic bracket.

Don't say you were not warned. We can jointly stop this madness by calling this devilish agents of destruction to order. It doesn't matter which religion, tribe, or political party you subscribe to, afterall, when their actions ignite, we shall all be bound to the same fate.

The Author is the Deputy RCC Soroti East Division
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