Gulu: Soldier jailed 13 months over sexual intercourse on duty


The Division Court Martial in Gulu has sentenced a Uganda People's Defence Fores (UPDF) soldier to 13 months in jail for failing to report his subordinate who had sexual intercourse while on duty.

Chaired by Col. Innocent Tukashaba, court heard that the convict, Corporal Charles Drameli, in July 2024 allowed his subordinate, Lance Corporal Byaruhanga to engage in a sexual act with an unidentified woman while on duty.

Prosecution told court that the convict who was deployed as commander to guard an armory, never took any action to report or reprimand Byaruhanga despite seeing him and the said woman in a nearby tent.

The incident at the tent was captured on a nearby CCTV unit.

Earlier Thursday (September 12, 2024), Tukashaba sentenced Drameli to 13 months in jail and also demoted him from the rank of a Corporal to a Private.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous September 13, 2024 at 1:31 PM

    The sentence was harsh.🤭

    • Anonymous
      Anonymous September 20, 2024 at 4:43 PM

      They were to forgive him bcoz some time they take long to give soldiers pass leave hence engaging in such acts

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous September 13, 2024 at 8:29 PM

    This was unfair because demoting him was enough as a punishment, thus double punishment

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous September 13, 2024 at 10:53 PM

    Everything happens for a reason and has its end

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous September 14, 2024 at 3:07 PM

    Everything has the beginning and end

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