Zeija is new Deputy Chief Justice, Sarah Langa and Teko judges of the High Court


 President Yoweri Museveni has appointed Dr Flavian Zeija as Uganda’s new Deputy Chief Justice to replace Justice Richard Buteera who retires in April. Zeija has been the Principal Judge.

On the advice of the Judicial Commission, the President of Uganda , in exercise of his powers under Article 142 (1) and (2) of the Constitution, has also appointed one Justice of the Supreme Court, eight Justices of the Court of Appeal and  21 Judges of the High Court in acting capacity.

Names that stand out include Justice Musa Ssekaana, now a Justice of the Court of Appeal; Former ULS president Simon Kinobe; and lawyers Isaac Teko, working with Bank of Uganda, and Sarah Langa who has been Chief Registrar of the Uganda Judiciary.

According to a statement from the judiciary, the changes include a re-appointment of Lady Justice Bukirwa Faridah Shamilah  as acting Judge of the High Court following the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings against her.

“These appointments were part of the last activities conducted by the 6th Commission, led by Hon. Justice Benjamin I. Kabiito whose term of office expired on the 21st of January 2025. The appointments are in line with the expanded structure of the Judiciary and reflect the Commission’s theme of being the ‘People’s Bridge to Justice’,” the statement said.

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