Kanungu man remanded to prison over homosexuality


Court in Kanungu District has remanded a 22-year-old man to prison over engaging in homosexuality which is an unnatural offence in Uganda.

On Thursday, Kanungu Grade One Magistrate Asanasio Mukobi remanded Davis Orikiriza to Kanungu Prison “on charges of engaging in homosexuality, contrary to section 145 of the penal code act.”

Prosecution led by Peter Muhindo told court that the accused is a businessman and resident of Katungu Cell, Eastern Ward, Kambuga Town council in Kanungu District.

Court heard that on March 22 at Katojo Trading Centre in Kanungu District, Orikiriza allegedly “had carnal knowledge of a one Emmanuel Matsiko against the order of nature by having sexual intercourse with him.”

The accused person was not allowed to take plea due to what court described as "the weight of the offence he committed."

Consequently, the matter was adjourned with Orikiriza set to reappear before the Kanungu Chief Magistrate on April 6, 2023.

On March 21, the Ugandan parliament  passed a legislation with stricter penalties for people engaged in same-sex activities in Uganda.

Penalties under the new legislation awaiting President Museveni’s consent include an over 10-year-jail term for anyone who engages in same-sex relationships or identifies as LGBTQ in Uganda.

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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous March 31, 2023 at 7:52 PM

    Thank u so much kanungu district cheif.magestrate

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous April 1, 2023 at 11:32 AM

    Can be added more punishments , bcoz it humiliates to every one , it's a totally criminal

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous April 1, 2023 at 8:06 PM

    is he not going to do it against fellow prisoners

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