Senior five student chops off hand of his senior six lover

Police in Mpigi have launched a manhunt for a 30-year-old lover accused of chopping off his girlfriend's hand over having an affair with other men. 

The victim, Mildred Musimirwe, 23, is a S.6 student at St Mark Secondary School in Kammengo sub-county.

It is alleged that Paul Bataringaya, a resident of Kammengo township, suspected Musimirwe of having secret lovers whom she allegedly normally flirts with.

According to preliminary investigations, Bataringaya, who is also a student in Senior Five at the same school, impregnated Musimirwe, while they were still in school in Ibanda district.

On suspecting that Musimirwe's parents had reported a case of defilement to the Police, the love bird eloped to Mpigi district where they rented a bedsit in Kammengo township, where they have been cohabiting.

After the relationship turned sour, Musimirwe told her parents that she wanted to go back to school. The parents reportedly sent her the school fees.

When she enrolled on the school, Bataringaya also enrolled in the same school. 

It is alleged that on Friday evening, March 31, 2023, Bataringaya, waylaid Musimirwe when she was coming from school and upon getting to the room where she slept with her friend, he allegedly pulled out a machete and chopped off her right hand.  

Musimirwe was rushed to Double Cure Hospital in Mpigi town council where she is still receiving treatment.

Mpigi Woman Member of Parliament Teddy Nambooze visited Musimirwe and promised to render support to her to get justice.

Katonga region Police publicist Lydia Tumushabe said Police are still hunting for the suspect who is believed to be still at large.

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