South Sudan troops arrive in Goma , eastern DRC

A contingent of the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces, on Sunday, April 2, arrived in Goma, the capital of North Kivu province in eastern DR Congo, as part of the East African Community regional force.

The regional force said the arrival of South Sudan soldiers – “advance party” – marked the final phase of deployment of the EAC troops in eastern DR Congo, as agreed at the summit of Heads of State in Bujumbura on February 4.

South Sudan President Salva Kiir announced in November 2022 that his country would deploy 750 soldiers in the regional force whose mandate is to support efforts to restore peace and security in the restive region of eastern DR Congo .

The deployment follows that of Uganda on March 29.

Burundian troops arrived in Goma earlier in March, joining a Kenyan contingent that deployed in November 2022.

After its initial deployment in November 2022, the regional force took control of positions vacated by the M23 rebels as par the Luanda agreement signed by regional leaders in the Angolan capital later that month.

On March 22, Burundian troops took over control of areas of Karuba, Mushaki, Kirolirwe and part of Kitchanga that were vacated by the M23 rebels.

Kenyan troops occupy areas, such as Kibumba and the Rumangabo military base, which the rebels gave up in December 2022 and January 2023, respectively.

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