President Museveni's statement on the attack on UPDF base in Somalia


Ugandans and Bazzukulu.

Greetings. Things are moving well on a number of fronts. I have concluded a tour on wealth creation issues in the Masaka zone.Masaka zone is doing well with coffee, bananas, palm oil and the dairy industry.

However, in the night of Thursday, at the 11th hour of the night and ten minutes (what the Europeans call 5.30am of Friday), we had an unfortunate incident in Somalia where our force has operated successfully, ever since 2007. In the area of Bulo-Mareer, there was an FOB (Forward Operational Base) manned by a company of UPDF soldiers. Those defences are quite strong although they are guarded by light weapons.

There were two tanks, two 14.5mm anti- air-craft guns and a 107mm Katyusha rocket launcher. Some of the soldiers there did not perform as expected and panicked, which disorganized them and the Al-Shabaab took advantage of that to overran the base and destroy some of the equipment.

The panic, it seems, was totally unnecessary because, in fact, both the anti-tank ditch and our soldiers had destroyed the 3 vehicles of explosives outside the FOB. The suicide bombers or whatever, were forced to blow themselves up before they gained entry into the base.

Moreover, our UAVs were watching the whole scenario from up in the sky and directing fire. The CDF has set up a Board of Inquiry (BOI) and the full facts will come out, including the details of the casualties.

Many of the soldiers withdrew to the next FOB, nine kilometres away. The terrorists were many, about 800 or so according to the UAVs.

Hence, it was a missed opportunity, to annihilate them. The operations are continuing and they will regret their actions.

Condolences to the country and the families of those who died. This unfortunate incident should be used to remind all those concerned, that operations in Somalia and other theatres, are combat missions and not welfare missions where you can access UN allowances.

It is criminal for anybody involved, to send into such a theatre soldiers who are either not suited for that mission or not properly prepared for it. Details will come out after the BOI has finished its work.



Yoweri K. Museveni

General (rtd)


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  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 12:37 AM

    This is so sad indeed. I as a person am too shaken. In my opinion the war in somalia is being lightly taken by all the stake holders as so small and they think that the opponent is so weak, THOU INDEED the opponent is not as strong as we think, the army might not relax at any moment in life when taken for such missions.
    And I believe Mr president that updf has gone off track in this war, and now it's just making that suicide mission to be a holiday and money making mission.
    Are we fighting to redeem the whole of Africa or the whole world.
    LET UPDF GO BACK TO THE REAL REASON AND MORE SO OF WHY OUR FORCES WENT TO SOMALIA, Let a full scale war be put across the front of alshabab and somalia be redeemed by the updf and let that region be part of UGANDAS territory.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 1:46 AM

    This is indeed very sad for our fallen comrades... But let the intelligence personnel and commanders who were on ground be brought to book

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 5:33 AM

    Mission is mission, nowdays it's like sleep in your book yet all questions and solutions are in there. There is a lot of relaxation among the soldiers especially when they go for a mission. Remember opponents can take cover for years untill you are caught empty handed. Please fullfil the mission before you sleep and Set on your max.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 5:58 AM

    Mr president our soldiers Tried their level Best but the enemy 🔥 was too much. It's hard to contain over 800 attackers remember these suicide bombers have nothing to lose. I didn't see any panic here by UPDF. And these missions have turned into money making thing because with very little salary our men in uniforms get this is the only chance they have to make some money. But unfortunately they end up losing their lives.

    • Anonymous
      Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 8:43 AM

      True 👍

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 6:45 AM

    So painful to loose our people. More power to UPDF

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 8:32 AM

    It was really sad our mighty updf were caught unaware, killed & humiliated aggressively I appeal to the commander in chief of the mighty updf to take serious actions on those misguided elements who seek to harm & also rescue our comrades who are still alive but in custody of the terrorists to be rescued. May d souls of the departed rest in ☮️ as ☮️ is our mission in Somalia. For God & my country

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 9:30 AM

    It was a terrible blow and i dont see updf winning the best thing is return home and tighten the noose on somali entrants. Rip gallant sons of uganda. But also who takes the money UN pays if not you mr. President museveni,you are busy enriching yourself and family plus your kroonies you will pay with blood of the fallen soldiers.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 11:42 AM

    Very sad, MHSRIP

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 6:22 PM

    It's very sad that we lost our brothers in a joking way.
    But, it's not final victory for those terrorists.
    They will pay for the sins they have committed.
    Let them wait for pay back time.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous May 28, 2023 at 7:34 PM

    May the souls of our soldiers rest in peace but what pain is to go for a such mission and when such thing happens you find that the generation you have left behind can get access to Education

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