Lebanese national arrested for raping a maid in Nakawa

The Kira Road Division of the Kampala Metropolitan East Police is actively investigating a disturbing case involving allegations of rape and the procuring of abortion. The incident was reported by a 19-year-old female, a resident of Kulambiro Jomayi in Nakawa Division, Kampala District.

According to the victim, the alleged incidents transpired between the months of July and September 2023. The victim had been employed as a housemaid by the suspect, Mr. Mohamed Mohsen, a 26-year-old Lebanese national and sales manager at Bipous Limited, who resides in Bukoto, Nakawa Division, Kampala District.

The victim reports that during her employment, she was subjected to a series of sexual assaults and forced into an abortion. She details that her employer, Mohamed Mohsen, summoned her into his room approximately at 8:00 a.m. on multiple occasions. During these encounters, the suspect initiated sexual assaults on her. She asserts that she felt powerless to refuse his advances due to her vulnerable situation and her reliance on the job for her livelihood.

These disturbing acts persisted until September, when the victim began experiencing health issues. At this point, the suspect took her to Victoria Hospital, where she was diagnosed as being pregnant. Subsequently, it is alleged that the suspect procured an abortion for her, which had significant adverse effects on her health.

Promptly responding to the matter, the Kira Road Division has initiated an investigation.

Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesman Luke Owoyesigyire confirmed the incident.

He said the victim has undergone a medical examination by a surgeon, confirming her condition and documenting her physical injuries.

Additionally, Owoyesigyire says a statement from a witness who provided assistance to the victim after her escape from the suspect’s residence has been recorded.

“The suspect, Mohamed Mohsen, was apprehended and has cooperated with the police during interviews,” Owoyesigyire said in a statement Friday.

He added that “The Kampala Metropolitan Police emphasizes its commitment to a thorough and fair investigation of this case. As we proceed with our inquiries, we will provide updates through official communication channels.”

“Our priority is to ensure that justice is served and the rights and safety of all individuals are protected,” he said.

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