Museveni launches daughter's book titled Jesus’ Africa


President Yoweri Museveni has launched Jesus’ Africa, a book authored by the First Daughter, entrepreneur, and evangelist, Pastor Patience Museveni Rwabwogo, with a call for the young generation to use the exposure and build capacity to consolidate the victory of Africa that was started by our ancestors and elders.

Jesus’ Africa is a deliberate illumination of the link between the African continent and Christianity, a tie that stretches the lengths of biblical history.

Rwabwogo extensively discusses the role of the church and, in particular, the African church in God’s plan to redeem nations and her spiritual encounter with God at the age of 11, which set her on the path to preach the gospel. She also points to a historical error in Africa of selling away the birthright that needs correction.

“Therefore, I’m glad to see that young people are now coming up to see that the problem we have in Africa is the problem of the Edomite curse of selling our birthright,” Museveni said.

He added that young people can do better to concretise what our grandfathers, like Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere, and others, started, like the pan-Africanist movement, the African National Congress of South Africa in 1912, and the resistance against Bismarck that defeated the colonialists.

Speaking at the function held at State House Entebbe, the President pointed out the war in Algeria against the French, the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya, Samora Moisés Machel in 1974 that defeated the Portuguese, the one in Angola where the Portuguese were defeated, the defeat of Ian smith in Zimbabwe in 1980 and the defeat of the whites in South Africa in 1994.

“We won, but we have not consolidated. The weaknesses that you still see are because we didn’t consolidate the victory, how do you consolidate the victory? Through economic political integration; that’s what was lacking, plus self-sufficiency in agriculture, manufacturing and in science,” Museveni noted.

The President further encouraged parents to do their best for their children because they can pick up and continue the good things being told to them. He thanked his daughter, Pastor Patience Rwabwogo, not only for the depth of the knowledge in the book but also for linking it with African patriotism and pan-Africanism to show that if you don’t defend your birthright, the thief can take it away and God can bless him.

“This is incredible, and it is exactly the problem of Africa,” the President said, adding that if Africans did not give away their birthright, there was no way at that time the Europeans could have penetrated Africa.

“Yes, they had some guns, but those guns were not very efficient, and the Ethiopians defeated the Italians in 1896. So, the main problem was us, especially the chiefs. So, therefore, Patience is hitting the nail on the head when she says the problem is that we sold our birthright by being greedy and divided. I want to congratulate Patience for this insight.”

Museveni said Africa has everything and should not be intimidated by those threatening to cut off aid.

“We don’t need aid. We have everything here! We don’t need anything from anyone. The only problem we have is the Edomite curse of selling our birthright,” Museveni noted, giving an example of the coffee business, where coffee-producing countries mainly in Africa are sharing only $25b out of the global value of $460b “because we sell the coffee unprocessed as a raw material. Then some people go, roast it, grind it, and get more money than we, the growers of the coffee; what’s the problem there? The problem of the Edomite curse,” Museveni said.

He described Rwabwogo as the only priest in the family for the first time in 140 years since the arrival of Christianity in 1877 (Anglicans) and Catholics in 1879.

“For all that time, my family has never been involved either in the government or in the church. In the government, I was the first person to be involved, and on the church side, it is my daughter, who is now a priest. So, I thank Patience for introducing our family to that line. She has shown us that you can be a cattle keeper, but also a priest, and I congratulate her.”

Rwabwogo told the gathering how she received a revelation from God in 2005 when she saw a vision of God’s redemptive purpose for Africa.

“That was the beginning of the revelation, and over the last 17 years, the revelation has continued to grow. Like an onion, each revelation from God opens the door to the next, always going deeper and deeper into the council of God. God started revealing that we cannot move forward as a continent without dealing with the spiritual roots of two of the seminal events of African history; slavery and colonialism,” Rwabwogo said.

She added that she was surprised by the revelation because she thought they were tragic historical events that were left in the past, but “God showed me that although the roots were in the past, the fruits were still present today and that unless we dealt with those roots, we would never experience true freedom, whether here in Africa or the diaspora”.

Rwabwogo expressed gratitude to her parents, whom she said have been her encouragement and support.

“They are not just parents to my siblings and I, but they have become parents to the nation and are known affectionately in Uganda. We thank God for the blessing that they have been to Uganda, our region, and our continent,” Rwabwogo said, adding that through their leadership, God has blessed the people, land, and the gospel has prospered.

The 461-page book, Jesus’ Africa, was edited by Dr Matunda Nyachama from Nsemia Publishing in Kenya, who described President Museveni as a leader and a thinker for Africa.

“We pray for you and we hope you continue having good health because there’s a lot that is left for you to accomplish, one of which is bringing this continent together; economically, politically, and religiously, so that we are one people,” Matunda said, expressing the need for Africa to “reflect, think, and be guided by the Holy Spirit to reclaim our place on this planet Earth”.

The guest speaker at the function, the Rev. Dr Jim Holley, an African-American minister, and civil rights leader, hailed Uganda’s hospitality and good climate.

“I have been in this country for a week and a half. I have seen an experience of the heart of Africa. What a great country and great people, as well as a great leader,” Rev Holley said, and promised to use his relationships to help Pastor Patience Rwabwogo to popularise her book in the United States.

“I want to be your John the Baptist in the United States. I want to be your spiritual father and my wife to be your spiritual sister if you want it in the United States. I have reserved a 30-minute program of ministry on the world network where you can reach 200 countries each week, talking about this book. You’ll be able to talk to six million people at a go about this book,” Holley told Rwabwogo.

President Museveni welcomed Holley to Uganda and was happy to link up with him after many years since the liberation struggles.

“I’m grateful that God has linked me up with the Rev Holy because when we were fighting in the black movement, he was on the side of Martin Luther King who was a pacifist, using peaceful methods; I was supporting the violent side, one of the black power movements. So, today, God has put us together,” Museveni said.

The keynote speaker was Pastor Dr. Dorcas Rigathi, the Second Lady of Kenya and wife of the Deputy President of Kenya, Rigathi Gachagua. Pastor Dorcas described Rwabogo as a woman of exemplary talent, with a great vision that has enabled her to put together a work of divine wisdom with razor-sharp and unwavering passion.

“The author prophetically sees Africa rising, painting a vibrant image of a prosperous and strategic land teeming with warm, enterprising people, blessed with abundant wealth and resources. This is a gift we must protect. As a family, as a church of Christ, as a nation, and as the continent of Africa. As a mother and a priest in Africa, I bless you, daughter,” Dr. Dorcas Rigathi said.

She was impressed with the clarity with which Rwabwogo explores how Africa has historically partnered with God, playing a significant role in His universal salvation plan .

“She beautifully narrates the tale of an Africa that stands in prosperity, abundant in human and mineral riches, a beacon of refuge and hope. As we launch Jesus’ Africa today, let us celebrate not just the birth of a book, but the dawn of a new era, the awakening of Africa, and the fulfillment of the prophetic visions shared by our beloved author. This book is a testament to her vision, her perseverance, and her unwavering belief in the glorious destiny of Africa,” Pastor Dorcas said.

Museveni was equally happy to witness what he termed as a firebrand Second Lady in Kenya, Pastor Dr. Dorcas Rigathi.

“When we were swearing in the new government, I was there. I saw them but she didn’t speak, of course. Now, I’m very happy to see a very powerful cadre here. Apart from preaching the gospel, please also add my side of political liberation. I will take advantage of the pastoring skills,” Museveni told Pastor Dorcas Rigathi.

The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Mrs Janet Museveni, thanked Pastor Dr. Dorcas Rigathi, Dr Jim Holley, and other guests for honouring her daughter’s invitation.

“Thank you so much, and all our guests, for your willingness to be here today and be patient through this long function; we do not doubt that God will bless you abundantly,” she said.

The function was attended by ministers Monica Musenero (science and technology) and Alice Kaboyo (Luwero triangle), Justice Mike Chibita, Uganda Revenue Authority Commissioner General John Musinguzi, Uganda National Roads Authority executive director Allen Kagina, and KCCA boss Dorothy Kisaka.

Others were religious leaders, such as Bishop Joshua Lwere, Pastor Robert Kayanja, Pastor Jackson Sennyonga, Apostle Joseph Sserwadda, Apostle John Mulinde, Pastor Fred Wantante, and Bishop Sheldon Mwesigwa from Ankole Diocese.

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