UPDF’s NEC starts a private security company


The National Enterprise Corporation (NEC) the commercial arm of the UPDF and the Ministry of Defence has started a private security company as part of their businesses.

On Friday, the first cohort of private security personnel belonging to NEC Security Services Limited were passed out at the Katuugo Training School in Nakasongola district.

Brig Gen JK Godfrey Muwanguzi, the Reserve Forces Commander for Greater Kampala, who was the chief guest at the graduation ceremony of the 98 soldiers including eight women and 90 men, said it is the aim of the Ministry of Defense and Veterans Affairs to still have these ex-soldiers active in serving the country if they still have the interest.

“The aim of the Ministry of Defence and Veteran affairs is to ensure those ex -soldiers who still have the energy continue being useful to their country. We have trained them in handling and use of guns as well as handling customers. They should know there are ethics to follow in this job. Work with integrity and avoid corruption. You should keep fit and healthy,” Brig Muwanguzi said.

“”Do not extort money and don’t accuse people falsely. Be contented with your pay. You have come to complement others. Use your earlier experience while serving UPDF and stick to integrity of the nation you are going to serve.”

The UPDF Reserve Forces Commander in charge of Greater Kampala said their personnel have been trained to differ from others in terms of handling guns and the way they use them.

He however urged the supervisors of these ex-servicemen to always be strict in monitoring them to see how their lives are doing so that gun abuse can be reduced in the country.

“Some of the scenarios(of shootings) are as a result of stress. It is therefore the duty of supervisors to follow these private security guards and be able to know if one needs to rest.”

Col Moses Mwesigwa, the head of NEC Security Services Limited said that  while other agencies such as UPDF, Police and Prisons are mandated  to maintain security in the country,  these private security guards augment them by filling gaps  and providing security to private individuals and their property at a cost.

He noted  that as veterans, they  have security experience and that it was  very easy to train them how to change their mindset on how to treat their masters differently from what they used to do while serving in the army .

“With these private security guards, we are also  looking to assist the government to further strengthen and stabilize the national economy by providing protection to valuables that are damaged by humans such as electrical equipment.”

Lt Col Grasian Birakwate, the head of Katuugo training institute said that the guards  have experience in security and that the one month training was only to refresh their mind.

At Katuugo, they were trained in  marksmanship, field craft, VIP protection, basic fire fighting, physical drills, political education, radio communication and customer care, among others.

The  National Enterprise Corporation(NEC), the commercial arm of the UPDF and Ministry of Defence is also the producer of Uzima water and also in charge of the UPDF Engineers Brigade which deals in construction of roads and buildings among others.

NEC also manufactures other products like facemasks and production of oxygen for state-run hospitals.

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